Stop Snoring

Is snoring keeping you or your loved one awake at night?

Dr. Riley offers an effective solution for that!

When you think of the word snoring, I bet you think of someone right away.  “My husband snores”, “My dad’s snoring practically shakes the walls”,  “My brother snores so loud that his wife sleeps in the other room.”  Sound familiar?

It’s a very common issue worldwide. In fact, nearly HALF of everyone will snore at some point in their life. According to an article posted in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, about 40% of adult men and 24 % of adult women are habitual snorers.

So, what is snoring?
Snoring is when air cannot move freely through your nose and throat causing the tissues to vibrate.  It could be an indicator of sleep apnea, however, that is not always the case.

If you or someone you know snores, it’s a good idea to get it checked out,
and everyone will sleep better.

When is snoring dangerous?
Snoring itself is not harmful to your health.
Snoring could be an indicator of a greater problem.

Sometimes snoring can be a sign that you or your loved one may have some type of sleep related breathing disorder or sleep apnea.

Snoring, along with witnessed apneas (where someone has seen you stop breathing), is a sure sign that you should get a sleep test.  Getting a sleep test is simple, noninvasive and could save a life.

Snoring could also keep your bed partner awake; not getting good restful sleep could interfere with their life in many ways and could also be dangerous if they are falling asleep while driving.

Why do I snore?

There are many reasons someone snores.  Being overweight or out of shape could contribute to snoring.
When someone has excess weight around their neck or throat, they are more likely to snore.
Age contributes, too, for as you get older, your throat narrows and muscle tone decreases, causing the tissue be floppy.
Snoring could be caused by nasal and sinus problems as well; blocked airways due to a stuffy
nose make inhalation difficult and create a vacuum in the throat.
Alcohol intake, smoking and certain medications can make the muscles
in the throat relax causing the tissues to vibrate while sleeping.
Some people snore only in certain sleeping positions, such as on their back.
This is attributed to gravity; when you sleep on your back, gravity allows the tongue and tissues to fall back, creating a narrowed airway.

No matter how much you love each other, snoring can put a strain on your relationship.
If you’re the one lying awake at night as your partner snores away, it’s easy to start feeling resentful.
If you’re the snorer, you may feel helpless, guilty, or even irritated with your partner for harping on something you can’t consciously control.
While sleeping in separate rooms may be a solution for some couples, it can also take a toll on emotional and physical intimacy.
And if you’re the one snoring, you might feel lonely, isolated, and even punished for something you feel you have no control over.

Disrupted sleep isn’t just a problem for the non-snorer.
If snoring is caused by disordered breathing,  the snorer’s sleep quality also suffers.
Poor sleep takes a toll on mood, thinking skills, judgment, and your ability to manage stress and conflict.